Sunday, July 7, 2013

Nostalgia for the 1980s. Sort of...

"The word aerobics came about when they gym instructors got together and said, "If we're going to charge $10 an hour, we can't call it jumping up and down." --Rita Rudner 

Forward back, one-two-three. One, two, cha-cha-cha.  One, two, lift it!   

I’m a workout video junkie—I love classes at gyms, but in the absence of a gym membership or a conveniently timed session, I love doing workouts at home.  I’ve done P90X about four times over, did Insanity last summer, and started doing Brazilian Butt Lift with my roommate who owns the series on DVD.  It might not have been the first things I would’ve chosen, but it’s a tough workout that (obviously) focuses on butt exercises. 
One, two, three, and burst out! Explode!

For some reason, two things were running through my mind as we were doing the DVD last time.  The first is more obvious: I felt pretty strongly that if this workout couldn’t give me an actual butt, nothing could.  It was even good enough that maybe I wouldn’t get teased every time that my mom and sister walked behind me about my non-existent butt.   The other thing is less obvious: I was thinking about Kathy Smith.  Specifically Kathy Smith’s Fat Burning Workout. 

If I am a workout video junkie, it directly stems from the first VHS that I can remember doing, or watching my mom do.  It was Kathy Smith’s 45 minute aerobic fat-burning workout.  Maybe you’ve seen your mom do it, or you’ve done it yourself.  It’s the one in which, in classic 1980s style, Kathy is wearing a leotard of turquoise and hot pink with matching purple leggings and slouchy pink sweat socks.  But the more I think about it, the outfits might be the main difference in the workouts.  (If you’re not quite sure you’ve ever seen it, start this YouTube at exactly 3 hours to see it in its entirety )!

Low, low, low, and reach, now level change.

Brazilian Butt Lift is tough, and certainly focuses on the butt more than Kathy does—hers is a more whole body workout.  But the same underlying count for the exercises remains in place in both.   Both Leandro of BBL and Kathy use the same eight counts that every workout and choreographed dance song uses.  Both use the same basic body weight exercises of lunges, squats, and plies to work muscle groups.  Both focus on repeating exercises until you want to rip that body part off, and both are so unbelievably cheerful about this workout that you wonder how many times you’ll have to do it before you can smile through that last set of leg pulses. 

Twos in each direction, yeah, yeah, yeah.

P90X might be my most intensely loved workout, but Kathy Smith was first and greatest.  Not because her workout was the best (although all things considered, it’s pretty great), but because I’ve watched that VHS tape so many times. Case in point: all the quotes throughout here, which have all come from her workout without even having to rewatch it—they’re simply a part of my internal workout monologue.  When I lived in Strasburg during my first year teaching, there was no gym anywhere nearby and I lived alone.  My TV just happened to have a built in VCR and armed with tapes I borrowed from my parents’ house, it was Kathy that kept me company after I’d finish my lesson planning as I sweated along with her many nights. 

Lift tall, tall, tall, down.  Whoo.  Whoo.

I’m not planning to go back to Kathy Smith’s Fat Burning Workout, mostly though because there’s only one of them rather than five to rotate through like Leandro’s Brazilian plan.  Sure there are some differences—like most of Leandro’s girls are wearing black shorts rather than shiny, bright spandex leggings.  But after finding Kathy Smith on YouTube I couldn’t help but realize, that maybe the biggest difference is that she does basically the entire workout with her crew.  Something I haven’t really seen from anyone since.  

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