Some things I’ve learned from reading To Kill a Mockingbird aloud to my classes (four times ever day):
There’s something powerful in reading aloud. I’ve always loved people reading
stories to me, especially Christmas books that my mom would read to us as
children. And I’ve always loved
reading books aloud. One of my
goals before I turn 32 is to somehow look into or audition for reading an audio
book, simply because that sounds, quite literally, like my most ideal job.
But besides all of that, there is some sort of power in
reading Atticus’s words aloud. In
bringing Boo to life that way, in creating the aura of shadow around him in the
beginning of the story, only to bring clarity to him at the end.
In reading this four times over every day, I’ve come to
realize that the third time is really where I hit my stride. The first is pretty good, the second
almost there, but by the third pass through, I can hit all the inflections just
right and I can anticipate the questions before they come. By the fourth, I’m a little into
autopilot. But third is my sweet
I was prepared for my students to not really enjoy or
appreciate this book. I told
myself before I started teaching it that it would be okay if they didn’t think
it was amazing. After all, I read
it for the first time in tenth grade and while I loved it, it was only when I
re-read it at 25 that I really adored
it. When I would’ve counted it one
of my favorite books. So if they
couldn’t really get it at 12, that would be okay.
I wasn’t prepared for them to feel so invested and involved
so quickly. Every day they come in
and ask excitedly, “Are we going to read today?”
Granted, they don’t really see the whole picture sometimes:
i.e. they think the title is going to be because Atticus shot a mockingbird
when he was young and it’s haunted him all these years and that’s why he
stopped shooting things. Also,
some of them are convinced that Calpurnia and Atticus are going to end up
together. Sure guys, this is a town where a white man can, without any
evidence, accuse a black man of rape and have him convicted, but a white man
and a black woman will get married, no problem.
But they’re loving it. And I’m loving how much they’re
loving it.
In what might be the strangest comparison yet, I’ve realized
there’s a moment for me in books that I love. I call it The Silver Doe moment, because I first became
aware of it in reading and re-reading and listening and re-listening to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Now, for some reason that chapter where
Harry and Hermoinie are camping and the silver doe patronus appears is one of
my favorite moments in the whole series.
Certainly the Final Battle, the last 200 pages or so trump it in the way
that only an epic climax to a classic hero story can. The scene with Harry and Dumbledore is just too good for
words. But as a
non-highest-point-in-4000-pages way, The Silver Doe is the shit. I can’t explain it, I can’t say
that anyone else necessarily feels the same, but for me, there’s something
transcendent about that chapter, something that pulls on the very deepest
heartstrings the way that only the best books do.

(On a side note, it’s moments like that which make stories
worth reading, which give them their almost mystical power. It’s moments like that which allow us
to see a little further into the human condition that we ever could without
sharing a story, and it’s moments like that which make the truth of the story
the ultimate goal in reading. It’s
also why, when several years ago, some people tried to convince me that there
were some books which were “unclean” and therefore inappropriate, that I felt
it as an almost physical attack.
It’s why I still carry that year of teaching around, even four years
But to continue the Harry Potter comparison, the real epic
Final Battle is coming in To Kill a
Mockingbird. And in the same
way that hearing Harry offer Voldemort forgiveness and a last chance at
repentance in the end, strikes the most perfect chord within me, I cannot wait
to be able to read the line where Scout makes us understand why the book is
called To Kill a Mockingbird. To
come to that moment where the final piece of the puzzle lines up perfectly and
things fall into place, and to share that with students. All 120 of them. I can’t even explain how excited I am.